Thursday, November 17, 2011


The most frustrating part of geocaching at Conway Robinson was that one of  the caches would not show up on the iPhone app. We looked around for a long time. There were many rocks and logs that looked like what the cache hint looked like too. It put a wrench in the pace at which we were getting the caches done. Our team worked together very well. We all have the same temperment and we all have experience outdoors. We all communicated well and didn't get frustrated when things got annoying with the one cache. I enjoyed just getting oudoors and getting a good hike in. It has been a while since I walked out in nature to accomplish something like geocaching. it was a nice crisp day with sun. I provided leadership by working the map and the app for finding the spots. I provided input on what path to take and ended up taking the lead in our "marching order". I also kept a level head when things could have gotten very irritating.Overall I had a great time!